​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Subdivision 101

Subdivision developers must rec​eive approval from the City in order to build and sell homes. This ensures that the new homes are suitable, sustainable, and comply with official plans and policies. A subdivision agreement details the terms and conditions of the approval, ranging from the type of trees planted, to the location of mailboxes. Developers work to fulfil these requirements even after the new homes are occupied as they take several years to complete.

Until the terms of the subdivision agreement are met, Developers are responsible for the maintenance of new subdivisions (except for snow clearing). Once the subdivision has been constructed to City standards, the City will assume responsibility of municipal services. Assumption usually occurs four to six years after subdivision registration or when the City is satisfied that the Developer’s obligations have been fulfilled (typically one to two years after the final coat of pavement has been installed throughout the subdivision).

​Roles and Responsibilities

  • The City’s Development Construction section supervises the construction of all new subdivisions, ensuring that all the roads, sidewalks, storm sewers, catch basins, and aboveground works are constructed to City and provincial standards.
  • The Region of Peel is responsible for the sanitary sewers, watermains, fire hydrants and solid waste (garbage).
  • The Developer, who owns the land, enters into a Subdivision Agreement with the City to ensure that the construction of the subdivision meets the requirements of the City and other public agencies. The City holds financial securities to ensure the Developer performs all the requirements of the agreement.
  • The Builder buys lots from the Developer and then builds the homes that the Homeowners purchase. In some cases, the Developer and Builder are the same.
  • The Consulting Engineer is hired by the Developer and is directly responsible for the supervision and administration of subdivision construction work.
  • Contractors have various construction abilities and are hired by the Developer to construct infrastructure on the road allowance.
  • Homeowners buy homes within the new subdivision.

Homeowner Resources

Contact Public Works and Engineering

Public Works and Engineering
Williams Parkway Operations Centre - 1975 Williams Parkway
Brampton, Ontario L6S 6E5
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