Vendor performance is critical to the success of City projects. The City’s Vendor Performance Management Program promotes the City’s expectations of a high standard of performance among the City’s vendors and strengthens the City’s relationship with its vendors. It helps improve project outcomes, achieve greater value for money in the delivery of services to taxpayers, and aligns with Council’s Well-Run City priority.
The Vendor Performance Management Program evaluates monitors and reports on the performance of a vendor in a transparent and consistent manner. The program assesses a vendor's performance periodically and provides feedback to encourage performance improvements and acknowledges satisfactory or above average performance.
Currently, the program applies to construction and construction-related consulting contracts, and maintenance and service contracts of $100,000 and greater.
Significant or persistent deficiencies in a Vendor’s performance of any substantive requirement or obligation of its contract(s) may result in the suspension from bidding on City of Brampton procurements. Names of suspended vendors will be posted on the City’s website.
Vendor Registration
Bid Opportunities