​​​​​​With the current physical distancing measures in place and actions taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the City of Brampton is implementing Interim Bike Lanes to provide residents an alternative cycling option to the recreational trails.

The City is temporarily closing off the curb lanes along the following sections of road to vehicular traffic and repurposing the lanes for bicycle use only:

  • Vodden Street - Ken Whillans Drive to Howden Boulevard
  • Howden Boulevard - Vodden Street to Centr​al Park Drive​​

The City is working to implement permanent protected bike lanes on these streets as part of the approved Active Transportation Master Plan. With vehicular traffic in Peel Region down by 33 per cent as a result of COVID-19, this is a unique opportunity to showcase a part of this planned east-west cycling facility that will provide a safe connection for people on bicycles to essential amenities and to the City’s recreational trail network.

These sections of road comprise the ultimate planned East-West Cycling Corridor connection as proposed in the Active Transportation Master Plan and in line with Brampton 2040 Vision and Term of Council Priorities for “Streets for People.” Find out more information on the East-West Cycling Corridor Project.

To complement and maximize the value of the interim bike lanes along Vodden Street and Howden Boulevard, here’s a map of bicycle-friendly loops to increase access for residents to more essential amenities.

Interim Bike Lane FYI

General Information

  • Public health authorities advise that moderate exercise can help keep our immune systems stronger.
  • The temporary bike lanes are intended to provide a saf​​e space for people of all ages and abilities who want to ride a bike for exercise, or to access essential services such as grocery stores, pharmacies, medical appointments, and essential jobs.
  • The temporary lanes have been set up to relieve pressure on crowded recreational trails.
  • Only bikes with wheel bases below 50cm (children’s size bikes) are allowed to be ridden on sidewalks in Brampton.
  • When using the road, cyclists are subject to the same rules as motor vehicle drivers.

Using the Interim Lanes

  • The temporary bike lanes are one-directional. Ride on the right side of the road in the same direction as traffic, and obey all traffic signs and signals.
  • Cyclists must keep a safe distance, a minimum of 2 bike lengths if from different households.
  • Passing another cyclist should be avoided, unless you can safely move out into the lane of traffic to clear the cyclist in front of you while maintaining a width of 2 metres (6 feet).
  • Use hand signals to indicate your intention to left or right, and to stop.
  • Do your shoulder check before you make a turn to make sure the way is clear.
  • Beware of drivers entering and exiting driveways. They may not easily see you. Slow down and be prepared to stop quickly.
  • Even when you have the right of way with a green light, pay attention to your surroundings and do not assume that others will stop at red lights.
  • Especially pay attention at intersections to make sure that drivers are not turning right. Remember, they may not see you.
  • Sound your bell. By Ontario law, you should have a bell or horn.
  • If you need to stop somewhere other than at an intersection, signal your stop and pull over, up onto the curb, so you can safely let other cyclists pass you keeping the physical distance.

COVID 19 Precautions​

  • Carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you.
  • Wash your hands before you start your trip.
  • If you touch a signal crossing button, use your elbow, not your hand.
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, use your arm or sleeve. Do not spit or blow your nose without a tissue.
  • Clean your bike frame with a soapy cloth at the end of the ride.
  • Wash your hands when you finish your trip.

Project Update​

The initial roll out of the Interim Bike Lanes involved the use of construction barrels to delineate the lanes. Given the continuation of the pandemic situation and continuing refinement of the ultimate design, the construction barrels have been replaced with a more “permanent” measure to continue the interim condition (in advance of an ultimate design being finalized). The design and tender process for the East-West Cycling Corridor permanent design will take another several months to complete. Painting these lanes in the interim moves us closer to the final design while saving costs, as the construction barrels were leased on a monthly basis.


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Brampton, Ontario L6S 6E5
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