Page Content City-Wide Workshops City-Wide Workshop #1On April 10th, 2021 from 10am-12pm, the City of Brampton held a City-wide virtual workshop. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording of the session!City-Wide Workshop #2On October 23rd, 2021 from 10:30am-12pm, the City of Brampton held a City-wide virtual workshop. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording of the session!Virtual Open HouseOn May 18th, 2022 from 7:00pm-10:00pm, the City of Brampton held a City-wide virtual workshop. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording of the session!Virtual Open HouseOn May 19th, 2022 from 1:00pm-4:00pm, the City of Brampton held a City-wide virtual workshop. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording of the session! Virtual Public Town Halls Protecting Our EnvironmentJoin us on June 21, 2021, from 4-6pm for our virtual Public Town Hall. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the link to the meeting, discussion paper, presentation slide deck, recording and survey!Improving Transportation and ConnectivityJoin us on June 21, 2021, from 4-6pm for our virtual Public Town Hall. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the link to the meeting, discussion paper, presentation slide deck, recording and survey!Attainable and Supportive HousingJoin us on June 7, 2021, from 4-6pm for our virtual Public Town Hall. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the link to the meeting, discussion paper, presentation slide deck, recording and survey!Arts and Cultural HeritageJoin us on June 7, 2021, from 4-6pm for our virtual Public Town Hall. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the link to the meeting, discussion paper, presentation slide deck, recording and survey! Ethnic Radio Series Ethnic Radio SeriesStaff took to the airwaves on local Punjabi radio stations to talk about Brampton Plan and answer questions from the public Focus Groups Focus Group #1: YouthOn May 12, 2021, a Youth Focus Group was held for the City of Brampton Official Plan Review focusing on the draft proposed City Structure framework. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording!Focus Group #2: Black CommunityOn May 27, 2021, a Black Community Focus Group was held for the City of Brampton Official Plan Review focusing on the draft proposed City Structure framework. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording!Focus Group #3: Faith CommunityOn May 31, 2021, a Faith Community Focus Group was held for the City of Brampton Official Plan Review focusing on the draft proposed City Structure framework. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording!Focus Group #4: Seniors and AccessibilityOn June 16, 2021, a Seniors and Accessibility Focus Group was held for the City of Brampton Official Plan Review focusing on Brampton Plan. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording!Focus Group #5: Arts and Cultural HeritageOn June 17 & 22, 2021, Arts and Cultural Heritage Focus Groups were held for the City of Brampton Official Plan Review focusing on the draft proposed City Structure framework. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation and recordingFocus Group #6: Environment On June 24, 2021, an Environmental Focus Group was held for the City of Brampton Official Plan Review focusing on the draft proposed City Structure framework. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary, presentation slide deck and recording!Focus Group #7: Business Focus GroupOn September 13, 2021, a Business Focus Group was held for the City of Brampton Official Plan Review focusing on Brampton Plan. Click ‘Learn More’ to access the engagement summary and presentation slide deck! Presentations Official Plan Review - Oct 21, 2019Special Council Meeting - Jan 22, 2020 Reports Recommendation Report - Oct 21, 2019Special Council Meeting Recommendation Report - Jan 22, 2020 Our Vision is the long-term goal for our city. Learn about the 2040 VisionQuestions or comments? Contact: Anand Balram, Manager, Official Plan and Growth Management City Planning & Design