Looking to book a City of Brampton space? You can find booking for recreational spaces and City buildings here. The Rose Theatre and other Performing Arts venues are also available for rent, and you can find more information here.

To support the local arts and culture sector in Brampton, the Brampton Arts Organization (BAO), has developed an online registry of spaces or businesses that creative individuals and organizations could consider reaching out to for use or rental.

This catalogue lists existing spaces in Brampton where arts, culture, and creative activities currently occur, or can potentially occur. These spaces are identified as spaces that could be rented out for events, creative practice, or other uses as identified by the owner. This document is intended as a starting point from which you can then obtain more information by contacting the space provider directly with additional questions you have (pricing, availability, services, etc).

BAO plans to update and validate the information captured in the catalogue annually. Next steps for the creative space catalogue include creating a GIS map of the spaces available to enhance user experience. This is the first iteration of this project, to provide any specific feedback please contact us at bao@brampton.ca.

To add or include your space, please fill out this form.

Click here to download the Creative Space Catalogue

How to Use the Creative Space Spreadsheet:

  1. Download and open the zip file to access Excel spreadsheet on your computer.
  2. If you are looking for a specific space use or typology, click on the column heading: Space Typology and click the funnel icon. A small window will appear with all of the space typologies selected. Click “de-select all” and then check off the box for the space you wish to use.
  3. If you are looking for a space for a specific use, click on the column heading: “Uses” and click on the funnel icon. A small window will appear with all of the uses identified. Click “de-select all” and then check off the box for the use.