​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Main Street South is a mature, tree-lined street with turn-of-the-20th-century architecture and a streetscape with a strong connection to the historic development of downtown Brampton. It is an important area where the City’s built, cultural, and natural heritage overlap.

The Main Street South area was one of seven downtown neighbourhoods identified for potential designation as a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) in the “Heritage Conservation District Feasibility Study” prepared by George Robb Architect and Team. In 2009, Council directed staff to focus on the creation of heritage conservation districts in the downtown, starting with Main Street South.

The implementation of the Main Street South Heritage Conservation District involves a two-stage process that commenced in 2010 with the City of Brampton retaining ERA Architects Inc. to undertake the Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Study (Stage 1) and to prepare a District Plan (Stage 2).

​Stage 2: Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Plan (IN PROGRESS)


  • As a result of community input, a revised version of the District Plan has been created.
  • On Thursday, September 27, 2018, from 7 – 9 pm, the City hosted a meeting at Alderlea to walk residents through the changes to the Plan. Heritage staff arranged for a guest speaker to attend this meeting and provide helpful advice for homeowners.​​​

The Ontario Heritage Act requires municipalities to adopt a District Plan when Council passes the by-law to designate an area as a Heritage Conservation District. The overall objective of a District Plan is to provide policies and gui​​​delines that will assist in the protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage values of the district.

As part of Stage 2, staff and the consultant will prepare the District Plan, the designation by-law, and amendments to the Official Plan and Secondary Plan, and present these materials at a statutory public meeting. Staff will report back to the Brampton Heritage Board before presenting the final Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Plan to Council for adoption.

Public Workshop

The City of Brampton held a Public Workshop to provide an additional opportunity for the public to share their views on the draft Main Street South HCD Plan.

Statutory Public Meeting

The City of Brampton held a Statutory Public Meeting regarding the draft Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Plan and implementing planning amendments on December 5, 2016. Please click on the documents below for more details.

Public Open House

The City of Brampton hosted a Public Open House regarding the first draft of the Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Plan on January 7, 2016.

This Public Open House offered an opportunity for the public to learn about and discuss the first draft of the District Plan. The feedback​ received was used to inform revisions to the document.

Stage 1: Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Study (COMPLETE)

The primary objective of the Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Study is to further examine the heritage significance of the properties within the Main Street South study area and propose a boundary that distinguishes the Main Street South neighbourhood from the surrounding downtown character areas in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act.

Public Information Sessions were held on June 2011 and February 2014 to offer an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Study. The meetings were well attended, with the majority of participants expressing their support for the creation of a Main Street South HCD.

The District Study was endorsed by the Brampton Heritage Board in June 2014, and approved by Council in September 2014. In addition to approving the District Study, Council also directed staff to proceed with the next stage of establishing the HCD, which includes preparing the Main Street South Heritage Conservation District Plan and supporting guidelines, as well as the designation by-law, and amendments to the City’s planning documents.