
H​eritage regulations, policies, standards and guidelines encourage and facilitate the conservation of cultural heritage resources.

The Ontario Heritage Act​

The Ontario Herita​​ge Act is the primary legislation for protecting cu​ltural heritage in Ontario. The Act provides several ways for municipalities to help conserve cultural heritage resources, such as the designation of individual properties (Par​​t IV), the designation of heritage conservation districts (Part V), the establishment of a heritage register, the ability to enter into heritage easement agreements.


Ontario Regulation 9/06​

Ontario Regulation 9/06​ establishes the criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest required for designating a property under the Ontario Heritage Act.​


Planning Act

The Planning Act provides the legislative framework for land use planning in Ontario. Section 2 of the Act identifies matters of provincial interest, which includes the conservation of significant features of architectural, cultural, historical, archaeological or scientific interest.


Provincial Policy Statement

The Provincial Policy Statement​ (PPS), issued under the Planning Act, is the framework for broad, integrated and long term planning. It contains policy statements on matters of provincial interest, and provides policy direction to municipalities and approval authorities that make decisions on land use planning matters. The Act now requires that all decisions affecting land use planning matters “shall be consistent with” the Provincial Policy Statement. PPS Section 2.6 sets out cultural heritage and archaeology policies.


Peel Region Official Plan

The Region Official Plan (ROP) supports for heritage preservation and recognizes the role of heritage in developing the overall quality of life for residents and visitors to Peel. It promotes the Region's heritage and supports the area municipal heritage policies and programs. Section 3.6 outlines the Region’s cultural heritage policies.


Brampton Official Plan

The City of Brampton’s Official Plan (OP) recognizes the important role cultural heritage resources play in creating strong, livable communities. It provides a series of policies to frame and inform land use planning decisions, ensuring that significant cultural heritage resources are conserved and celebrated. Section 4.9 contains the City’s cultural heritage policies.



Heritage resource management seeks to ensure conservation through a variety of tools and measures.

Heritage Permits

The Heritage Permit process enables the City to monitor the conservation of heritage resources designated under the Ontario Heritage Act and manage physical changes to them. Any work likely to result in the alteration of a heritage attribute(s) requires a Heritage Permit. There is no fee for the Heritage Permit process.

Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant

Properties designated under the Ontario Heritage Act are eligible for the "Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Program". The grant is intended to encourage and assist with the preservation, maintenance and restoration of designated properties. The grant offers funds to cover half of the cost of eligible conservation work up to a maximum of $10,000, subject to available funding, on the condition that the grant is matched by the property owner. Projects must focus on the care and rehabilitation of existing heritage attributes or restoration that contributes to the cultural heritage value of the property.

Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) Terms of Reference

A Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) is a study to determine the impacts to known and potential cultural heritage resources within a defined area proposed for future development. An HIA is required for any proposed alteration, construction, or development involving or adjacent to a cultural heritage resource to demonstrate that it is not adversely affected and propose any mitigation measures.

Heritage Property Owner's Guide

The Heritage Property Owner's Guide was created to assist owners with the protection, care and maintenance of their heritage properties by providing useful information and advice.

Minimum Maintenance (Property Standards) By-law

The amendments to the existing Property Standards By-law require enhanced security and maintenance measures for heritage buildings designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.

Vacant Building By-law

The Vacant Building By-law is directed at protecting all vacant buildings citywide. It identifies the measures that the City would require an owner to take, including securing a vacant building against unauthorized entry, protecting it against the risk of fire, accident or other danger.

Heritage Building Protection Plan (HBPP)

A Heritage Building Protection Plan outlines a range of actions that the applicant is expected to implement to maintain, protect, and secure a cultural heritage resource on their property during the development approval process. It is intended to strengthen the protection of heritage buildings between the time a planning application is received by the City and its approval.