​​​​​​The Brampton 2040 Vision conceptualizes how the City of Brampton will evolve until 2040. One of the catalytic actions identified as part of “Vision 1: Sustainability and the Environment” is to establishment of Brampton Eco Park.

In January 2020, City Council approved the Brampton Eco Park Strategy that defines what Brampton Eco Park is, characterizes its formation, and sets out the vision, goals, and actions to guide Brampton Eco Park implementation.

Read the Brampton Eco Park Strategy here.

What is Brampton Eco Park?

Brampton Eco Park is made up of a network of sustainable urban/green spaces, referred to as Eco Spaces, that better integrate residents with the natural environment.

The majority of Brampton’s 2500 hectares of Natural Heritage System (NHS) forms the backbone of Brampton Eco Park. From this foundation, Brampton Eco Park will expand and evolve into parks, streetscapes, and other city spaces to eventually form a comprehensive green framework overlaying the city.​

Brampton Eco Park will foster local stewardship and pride, encourage active and connected communities, and help build attractive neighbourhoods, all the while helping connect people with nature, responsibly. It will help protect and support City infrastructure while conserving, enhancing, and celebrating Brampton’s natural landscapes.

Eco Park Evolution Graphic

Brampton Eco Park Principles

Maximize Ecological ValueProtecting, enhancing, and managing natural systems/features to maintain ecological processes and functions, and a diverse community of lifeforms. Provide Opportunities for Social ServicesProviding opportunities for passive, social, recreatio​nal, health, and cultural/community activities, through environmentally sustainable mechanisms. Make Nature VisibleShowcasing nature and its ecosystem services by creating experiences that allow visitors to interact with the ecological systems nature provides. Design with NatureDesigning, constructing, and maintaining the site to minimize environmental impacts through integration with natural processes. Integrate with Surrounding CommunityInteg​​rating and connecting with wider community, landscape, and natural system, including through physical, environmental, social, and economic mechanisms.
Support InnovationFinding opportunities to integrate technological access through sustainable means, and adopting innovations to implement on site. Reflect Local IdentityReflecting the cultural and demographic identity and social needs of the local community, as well as local use and enjoyment of the area.

What is an Eco Space?

An Eco Space is a green area within Brampton that strengthens the coexistence of people and the environment by:

  • enhancing and maintaining healthy natural systems and processes;
  • integrating opportunities for meaningful social and environmental interactions and experiences;
  • striving to incorporate the seven guiding Eco Park principles.

The Spectrum of Eco Spaces

Eco Spaces can and will be found in natural and urban/built areas across Brampton, and fall within a spectrum of “green”. The spectrum reflects the different forms Eco Spaces may emerge as, emphasizing that there is no one Eco Space design.

