Jefferson, Jordan, and Jayfield (JJJ) Parks are three adjacent parks with a concrete channel flowing through them. The parks have a west-east linear orientation and are connected to each other by the Don Doan Trail.

The Toronto & Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) identified the concrete channel within these parks as a priority project as part of its Peel Channel Remediation program. The TRCA removed the concrete lining within the channel and re-naturalized the creek and its banks to improve water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and reduce maintenance costs.

As part of the Brampton Eco Park Strategy, the City of Brampton investigated opportunities to partner with the TRCA and refresh Jefferson, Jordan, and Jayfield Parks in conjunction with the scheduled channel works.
The final design was guided by the Brampton Eco Park Strategy, as well as public input gathered to help inform the Eco Space design for each park.
Construction started in October 2020 and was completed in 2022. Click here for the construction notice board.
 Additional Content

 Key Park Revitalization Features

  • Channel naturalization
  • Tree planting
  • Seating areas
  • Viewing nodes
  • Community garden
  • Outdoor amphitheatre
  • Shade structure
  • Natural play nooks
  • Outdoor classroom
  • Exercise equipment
  • Bike racks

Engaging the Community

The parks revitalization design was informed by input provided by the community through a variety of public engagement tactics hosted by the City in partnership with the TRCA, such as public meetings, activities with a local school, and social media posts and surveys. 

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Virtual Public Meeting - January 19, 2021
