​​​​​​To protect City assets, employees and the public, electronic video surveillance (also known as CCTV or closed circuit television) is used in City facilities, at Zum bus stops and on City buses. CCTV is used as part of a larger program that includes lighting, security patrols, and built environment design to promote public safety and security.

How does the System Work?

CCTV cameras record video images of City facilities and Zum Bus Stops 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The video that is recorded is stored in digital format. Recorded video is used to investigate incidents and as evidence for prosecutions. Brampton’s Security Services staff can also monitor “live” images generated by CCTV cameras in City facilities and Zum bus stops, based on ever-changing operational requirements. However, not all cameras are monitored at all times.

CCTV cameras in City buses begin recording when a bus is started and operate for the entire time the bus is in service. Traditional buses have four cameras, which record the road in front of the bus, the front door, the rear door and the seating area. Articulated buses have an additional two cameras that record the middle door and rear seating area. The video that is recorded is stored in digital format. Recorded video is used to investigate complaints, accidents and injuries. Staff are not able to monitor “live” images generated by CCTV cameras in City buses.

Privacy Protection

The City recognizes the need to balance an individual’s right to privacy and the need to ensure safety and security in the community. It has designed its video surveillance program to ensure the benefits of video surveillance outweigh the loss of personal privacy. It does this by employing a number of strategies:

  • Where feasible, less invasive means such as lighting and increased security patrols are employed in place of CCTV.
  • CCTV cameras are positioned and screened to ensure that only “mission critical” views are recorded. Images of adjacent spaces and buildings are not recorded.
  • CCTV cameras are limited to spaces where individuals typically have a lower expectation of privacy, such as on a bus or in a City office. CCTV cameras are not installed in spaces where individuals would have a greater expectation of privacy such as washrooms, change rooms and swimming pools.
  • Operating procedures are in place to ensure that CCTV operators don’t zoom or pan the recorded view to “follow” a particular individual unless there is a clear operational requirement.
  • The retention period for recorded video is strictly limited and destruction of the video records at the end of the retention period is automated.
  • The program is subject to random compliance audits.


The video recordings from City facilities and Zum bus stops are retained for 31 days. The video recordings from City buses are retained for 72 hours. In the event of an incident or concern, video can be preserved for investigation and prosecution purposes. If video is not preserved, it is automatically and permanently destroyed at the end of the retention period. If you have been involved in an incident and would like to have video preserved, please contact securityservices@brampton.ca with details.

Can I Access a CCTV Recording?

CCTV recordings are only disclosed in response to a formal access to information request under the Municipal Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). The City processes all access to information requests, including requests for video, in accordance with the requirements of the Act. Click here for instructions on how to file a request.​ Before filing a request, you should know the following:

  • When making your request, you must be as specific as possible in describing the video records you are seeking. At a minimum, please provide the time, date and location where the video was recorded. The more details you are able to provide, the more likely that the video you are seeking can be located.
  • The City must balance your right to access City records, with the privacy rights of affected individuals. In practical terms, this means that license plate numbers and the faces of identifiable individuals will be obscured (blurred or pixelated) prior to disclosure of the video records.
  • The Act specifies processing fees which apply to access to information requests. You can limit fees by limiting the timeframe of the video you request. For bus video, you can also limit fees by limiting the number of camera angles you request.

Disclosure to Law Enforcement

The City discloses video records to law enforcement agencies in Canada upon request, providing the records are used for the purposes of an active law enforcement investigation.

Legal Authority

Personal information collected through the recording of surveillance video is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act and the Occupier's Liability Act.

Questions or Concerns?

Questions specifically related to CCTV recordings and video retention should be directed to the Manager of Security Services at 905-874-2111 or at securityservices@brampton.ca.

For general questions about privacy protection, or to make a privacy complaint, contact privacy@brampton.ca.

Drone Cameras

The City’s Fire and Emergency Services use drone cameras for the purposes of firefighting and providing paramedical support to large public events. Questions about drone cameras may be directed to the Division Chief, Fire Training at 905-874-2700.

Body-Worn Cameras

The City does not, at present, use body-worn cameras.

Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR)

The City uses automatic license plate readers for parking enforcement. You may access details on the program​ ​here. Questions about automatic license plate readers may be directed to enforcement@brampton.ca.

Video Analytics

Video analytics include tactics such as facial recognition, automated crowd counting, automated object recognition and automated object tracking. The City currently does not employ video analytics.
