
Youth Friendly Designation: Platinum Status

In March 2020, the City of Brampton received the Platinum Youth Friendly Community designation from Play Works, a program supported by Parks and Recreation Ontario.

A range of Brampton youth organizations and service partners in the community contributed to this year’s designation as co-applicants. Click here​​ to see the full list of co-applicants and connect with their programs and services.

This is the third time the City and community partners have been recognized for outstanding commitment to growth and development opportunities for youth.​

What is the Youth Friendly Designation?​

The Youth Friendly Community designation is granted every three years to communities across Ontario that recognize the unique needs of youth ages 13 to 19, and ensure they have continuous access to leadership and engagement opportunities, ranging from arts to recreation to civic participation. Communities are required to meet at least seven of ten youth-friendly criteria. Those that meet all ten criteria are awarded the Platinum status. Currently, 47 Ontario communities are recognized as Youth Friendly.

More on Brampton Youth​

Brampton is home to 58,800 youth ages 13 to 19, where 43,111 participate in applicable City-led programs, such as a weekly evening $2 drop-in program where youth participate in sports, games and dance programs, and the City's National Youth Week events in May. For more information on what’s available for Brampton youth, visit the city’s youth page here​.


What is Play Works?​

Play Works is a group of organizations that are concerned about the future of youth and have joined forces to enhance youth engagement in communities across Ontario. Play Works partners are: 4-H Ontario; Arts Network for Children and Youth; Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada – Central Region; Ophea; Parks and Recreation Ontario; YMCA Ontario.​

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