
Since 1863, the Brampton Ceme​tery has contained a noteworthy collection of monuments in a wide variety of shapes, colours, sizes, inscriptions and types of stone. Ranging from early sandstone memorials to large, rough blocks of granite and impressive high columns, to delicate marble statues and intricately carved headstones. These monuments represent family traditions, regional symbols and the lifestyles of the peo​ple who built the foundation for our City.

For more information about Brampton’s pioneers, take the Brampton Cemetery Tour.​​


Caring and administrating cemeteries is the resp​​​ons​ibili​ty of the City of Brampton. Our staff maintain the Brampton Cemetery and 25 pioneer cemeteries​ throughout the City.

The City keeps burial and other records on file at the cemetery office. The Parks Department oversees Cemetery Services, protecting and maintaining Brampton's history and heritage.​

Memorial Programs

The City of Brampton offers memorial p​rograms in the form of Tree and Bench dedications within City Parks and the Brampton Cemetery.

Click here to learn more.​
