The City of Brampton is preparing for a new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

Renewing Brampton's Zoning By-law will ensure all Brampton residents and property owners have the needed up-to-date tools to build and experience Brampton's future.

This is an opportunity to help modernize Brampton's approach to city-building including planning, development, economic growth and protecting what's valuable. It also aligns with the values set in the City's 2051 Brampton Plan and implements its policies.

Relaunched since the pause in 2019, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review project assesses current zoning approaches, regulations and practices in Brampton, and prepares for a new set of regulations and rules that meets the needs today and into the future.

The new Comprehensive Zoning By-law will implement policies set out in the 2051 Brampton Plan and follow recent provincial planning legislations and policies and the federal Housing Accelerator agreement. It will be informed by other ongoing studies and initiatives, including but not limited to the new Urban Design Guidelines, Major Transit Station Areas Review, Housing Brampton and the Brampton Parking Plan.

The new Comprehensive Zoning By-law will also:

  • Update and modernize zoning regulations, definitions and approaches to match best practices.
  • Use plain language and visuals so residents, property and business owners, planners and all other city-builders can easily read and understand the contents.
  • Be user-friendly so any person can easily find and access zoning information relating to their property or any property of interest, using the web and on an interactive map.
  • Ensure a smooth transition from the current zoning rules.
  • Consider the different neighbourhoods and communities in Brampton as they set to evolve and grow.

It is not within the scope of this project to consider and include site-specific zoning amendments.

Project Timeline

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