
The Parkland Dedication Study will

  • provide a clear direction into how the City should plan for parkland in urban intensification areas, including establishing an updated supply target, and strategic framework for new typologies, acquisition and programming.
  • establish a revised City-wide Parkland Provision which would incorporate the urban parkland supply target.
  • include a City-wide parkland supply assessment against the revised City-wide Parkland Provision.

The Parkland Dedication Study and By-law Update will be prepared over the next few months.

The City strives to ensure that its parks system grows in tandem with Brampton’s urban expansion and evolving land use patterns. We are continually investing in existing and new parks to ensure that they are able to serve a broad range of ages, interests and abilities. This project will assess the distribution of parkland across all parts of the city with the goal of updating policies to ensure that areas that are under-served and/or growing are made priorities for park investment. As Brampton becomes more urbanized, new park types and provision models that respond to the unique characteristics of infill and intensification areas will be required.​

The focus of this study is on land that can be used for active park purposes, such as those that accommodate playgrounds, splash pads, sports fields, etc. When land is developed for residential or other purposes, the developer is required to provide land or cash-in-lieu of land for park purposes in keeping with the City’s Parkland Dedication By-law. Environmentally-sensitive lands, hazard lands, stormwater ponds, and related greenspaces are not typically part of this dedication requirement; the City’s Official Plan provides direction on the appropriate protection and conservation of these greenspaces.​

There are several studies and plans that provide a foundation for this project, many of which have involved extensive public engagement. Brampton 2040 Vision identifies what residents want for the future of their city, such as an interconnected green park network. The City’s Official Plan, which is currently being reviewed – provides policies to help manage how Brampton grows and develops, including how parkland is acquired. In 2017, the City prepared a Parks and Recreation Master Plan that assessed parkland needs and provided recommendations for the continued provision of parks and recreation amenities. Additionally, the City’s Parkland Dedication By-law and associated rates and methodologies will be updated through this process.​

Provide your input on Brampton’s parks by completing this online survey.​​

Keep an eye on the project webpage for additional opportunities to share your thoughts on the Parkland Dedication Study. An online public information session will be held early in the new year, stay tuned for details.

Our Vision is the long-term goal for our city.

Learn about the 2040 Vision

For more information on the Parkland Dedication Strategy:
