​​The month of June and June 10, the National Day of Po​rtugal, are a great time of celebration by the people of Portugal and of Portuguese descent in Canada. The celebrations honour the life and commemorate the death of Luis de Camoes and his famous epic poems, the Lusiads, with cultural performances, history and poem recitals, street parades and traditional food. The Portuguese Canadian community in Brampton and beyond continues to make significant contributions to our society and reiches with its history, language, culture and work ethic. There are over 300,000 people of Portuguese ancestry in Ontario and Canada is home to one of the largest diasporas in the world with over half a million people of Portuguese descent.

Mayor and Members of Council invite all Bramptonians to learn more about the rich culture and heritage of Luso-Canadianos, the inspiring role they continue to play in our community and wish you all a very happy Portuguese Heritage Month

Community Flag Raising

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​June 1, 2024 at 12 PM
Ken Whillans Square

Following the flag-raising Lusofonia​ will commence.​​​​​​​