​Missing Middle Housing is a range of house-scale buildings with multiple units, compatible in scale and form with detached single-family homes. Missing Middle Housing types include multiplexes (duplex, triplex, fourplex, sixplex), townhomes, additional residential units, lodging homes, and low-rise/low density apartment buildings.

There is a great opportunity in Brampton for the City to support and allow for house-scale infill options in lower density built-up areas, and facilitate gentle densification to increase missing middle housing options.

As part of CMHC’s Housing Supply Challenge, the City of Brampton was chosen to receive funding to develop and implement a project plan to reduce barriers to affordable housing supply in Brampton. The incubation funding awarded in October 2021 was used to undertake research and analysis, refine the project proposal, and develop an implementation plan to increase the supply of affordable rental units in the city through gentle densification in built-up areas of Brampton.

Alongside our project partners listed below, the City completed the following project components to date:

  • Opticos Design: A detailed gentle densification assessment for 2 sample neighborhoods in Brampton.
  • Cascadia Partners: Development of a pro-forma analysis tool for selected missing middle densification scenarios.
  • Melissa Goldstein: Research and analysis of methods for ensuring and preserving housing affo​rdability in low-density intensification.
  • ConveneTO, Indus Community Services, and Punjabi Community Health Services: Preparation of a comprehensive community outreach and engagement plan.

Further analysis and project implementation will compose of public engagement; an analysis of the city’s existing context and infrastructure in order to direct thoughtful and strategic infill; and the expansion of financial incentives and zoning permissions which restrict appropriate gentle densification.

Stay tuned - we will continue to provide project updates and upcoming public event dates on this webpage.

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