​​​​​Development Design Guidelines

Downtown Development Document Cover Page Image  

The Development Design Guidelines (DDG) Manual was approved in 2003, and is intended to establish basic community design standards for new communities - ensuring that these areas maximize their potential and develop as attractive and functional places in which to live and work.

Brampton Transit Supportive Mid-Rise Development Guidelines provide the density to support transit, with well-designed, mid-rise buildings that contribute to the public life of a street and give spatial containment and a sense of place to the public realm.

Measuring the Sustainability Performance of New Development

Manual Cover Image  

The City of Brampton takes a comprehensive approach to planning and designing sustainable communities. The Sustainable Community Design Guidelines and the Sustainable New Communities Program​ are designed to guide and measure the sustainability performance of new development applications.​

Gateway Beautification Program

Gateway Beautification Program  

As the Flower City of Canada, Brampton focuses a great deal of effort on developing distinctive gateways and street corridors that clearly distinguish the key entries to the City and provide attractive windows into our communities. The first gateway pilot project was completed on Hurontario Street at the south City limits in 1991 (see photo to left) and to build on this initial success, a program was formalized in 2001 to develop other prime gateway locations throughout the City. As of December, 2009, three other gateways have been completed and two are scheduled for construction over the next year.

Download the Gateway Beautification Program

Street Corridor Master Plan

Street Corridor Masterplan  

The City recognizes that in addition to promoting distinctive gateways, it is equally important that our main street corridors provide an enjoyable experience for all users through effective streetscape enhancements. To this end, the Street Corridor Master Plan was prepared in consultation with the Region of Peel in 2003, as a tool kit to be applied to all future road re-construction projects. This document is recognized in the Official Plan as one of several important background references in the continuing implementation of the Flower City, and its recommendations are being implemented on a project-to-project basis as opportunities arise and funding becomes available.

Landscape Development Guidelines

Landscape Development Guidelines cover  

The Landscape Development Guidelines were developed to assist landowners, developers, and consultants in the development of public open space within Brampton, including but not limited to, parks, streetscapes, buffers, recreational trail systems, cemeteries, woodlands, valley lands, hazard lands, natural heritage systems and NHS blocks, engineered channels, and stormwater management facilities. This document builds on the City’s vision, as described in the Strategic Plan and the Development Design Guidelines, by clearly outlining the process and minimum design requirements necessary to complete the open space components associated with all new development.

Download the Landscape Development Guidelines

Streetscape & Parks Construction Standard Details

Streetscape & Parks Construction Standard Details  

In an effort to provide a consistent standard of streetscape and park development across the City, the Planning, Design and Development Department maintains a library of standard construction details that are expected to be utilized on all municipal projects. In particular, consultants submitting landscape plans to the city for approval are encouraged to source all of their construction standards from this list.

Wayfinding Design Guidelines

Wayfinding Design Guidelines  

The Outdoor Wayfinding and Signage Program, was introduced and approved by Council in June 2007. It was developed to:

  • present a unified, consistent and attractive design treatment for all corporate outdoor signage across the City
  • establish a distinct identity that reinforces Brampton’s reputation as Canada’s Flower City
  • assist residents and visitors to finding their way around Brampton

The principle agenda is prescribed in the Outdoor Master Wayfinding Program, Design Intent Drawings for the Sign Type Array. These guidelines address hierarchy and typology to provide sign and site-specific information for consistent typography, colour selection, graphics character and construction methods for all civic signage across the City.

Parks Lighting Guidelines

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The Parks Lighting Guidelines was updated in April 2014, incorporating new LED technologies and updated lighting styles.

Download the Parks Lighting Guidelines